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1. Set the number of Cards to match the deck of cards you want to randomise.

2. Set the number of Columns and Rows to the the number of spaces you want to use on your mat (Columns = width, Rows = height).

3. Set the number of Output Rows to the number of rows of deal instructions you want on each page.

4. Click 'Check Settings' to show how many passes (rounds of dealing the full deck) you'll need bases on the Cards, Columns and Rows.

5. If you're happy with it (the ideal is 2 passes, with an odd number of Columns ), click 'Randomise Deck'. If not, adjust the settings and click 'Check Settings' until you are.

6. Follow the dealing instructions, using the 'Prev' and 'Next' buttons. The 'Beginning' button takes you back to the beginning of the dealing instructions.  

7. Enjoy your fully randomised deck of cards!


  of Cards 

  Rows of  


Mat Sizes

- Adjust the settings, then click 'Check Settings' to test (full instructions below/left).

- Current Settings: GOOD
(100 cards randomised in 2 deals.)
(Mat spaces used (W*H): [5*2].)

- Click 'Randomise Deck' to use these settings.

- Info:
* [5 * 2] mat spaces gives a total of 10 piles.
* 10+ piles needed for 2 pass for 100 cards.
* 5+ piles needed for 3 pass for 100 cards.

Manual Mat Settings





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