Donate / Support
Ways to Support
I deliberately made Soft Shuffle free to use - though it would be nice to get back the time and money I have put in to making it a reality, it's more important to me that it's out there for anyone to use.
That's why you can download a free pdf test mat you can print out and give it a try - or grab a sheet of cardboard and a pen and draw some boxes!
That said, if you do try it, find it useful, and want to support hosting and ongoing development, there a re a few ways of supporting - Social Media, Mats and Donating.
Social Media
Content and interaction on Social Media is an ongoing project - if there's a particular platform you'd like to interact or share on, let me know! The usual Social Media boosting actions are greatly appreciated - liking & sharing, and if you want to see more, following / subscribing.
Mats from Deep Cut Studios
I've partnered with Deep Cut Studios to provide mats and they can deliver to most of the world. There is both the Small Mat (24"x14") and the Large Mat (30"x22"). They are available with stitched and unstitched edges, and come with a study bag. Personally I prefer stitched edges, but I know not everyone does!
Obviously the mats help a lot with using Soft Shuffle - I have done a number of iterations to get the layout and the dimensions optimised - but paper, pen and ingenuity go a long way! One of the other benefits of the mats, though, is I get a small amount of money for each one sold - so each mat supports my continued efforts to host and improve Soft Shuffle.
Buy Dave a Coffee / Donate
I realise the mats are a bit of a luxury, and if you want to use a big sheet of paper and a pen, I am still just happy I can help. If you do that and feel like you want to support, or just want to support generally, i've set up Ko-fi to make it easy: